Analyse traces in digital data with support by dence.
Today's communication devices are based on digital technologies and users leave various traces. Award-winning and patent-pending technology developed by dence evaluates subtle traces in order to answer your questions about originality, plausibility or history of digital data.News
Cybercrime Security Conference (in German Sicherheitskooperation Cybercrime), 05.-06.11.2024.
We will be presenting our OSINT investigation approaches on investment fraud and will be available for discussions on our exhibition booth (German Sicherheitskooperation Cybercrime @ bitkom).
Juicy Fields - Following the invested crypto currencies, 21.04.2023.
Short report of our investigations related to ZDF TV report „Gras, Gier und schnelles Geld” (Short report in German @
Die Spur: Gras, Gier, großes Geld - Der größte Cannabis-Betrug aller Zeiten (in German: Weed, greed, big money - The biggest cannabis scam ever), 19.04.2023.
Following the invested crypto currencies (TV report in German @ ZDF).
Start of investment warnung, 02.04.2023.
Lost your money and cryptocurrencies due to a scam? IT forensic experts from dence help to solve your case (our new website).
Terra Xpress: Ehrenlos: Achtung, Betrug! (in German, Honorless: Attention fraud!), 02.04.2023
Tracking cryptocurrencies lost to fraud is possible and allows find identifying information about scammers (TV report in German @ ZDF).
Einfach geniales Mitteldeutschland - Zum 25. Jubiläum des MDR-Erfindermagazins (in German, Simply Ingenious Central Germany - On the 25th Anniversary of the MDR Inventors' Magazine), 31.08.2021.
TV feature with dence shows techniques to detect image manipulation (TV report in German @ ARD Mediathek).
WISO crime: Abzocke mit Geisterkonten - Von Betrügern in die Falle gelockt (in German, WISO crime: Rip-off with ghost accounts - Trapped by scammers), 23.08.2021
TV feature on the tracking of illegal income and cryptocurrencies with dence (TV report in German @ ZDF).
Bitkom_Block #11: Krypto-Kriminalität (in German, Cryptocurrency-Crime), 14.10.2020
Keynote presentation by dence on tracking criminal payments with cryptocurrencies at Bitkom (Recording in German @ Youtube).
Blockchain-Forensik: Wer steckt hinter einer Bitcoin-Zahlung? (in German, Blockchain forensics: who is behind a bitcoin payment), 02.08.2019 interviews Jakob Hasse of dence on ways to track cryptocurrency payments (Interview in German @